Thursday, October 23, 2008

On Being a Band Mom and Senior Mom

I am so very proud of both of my children. However, this year is Madelyn's year to revel in being at the top of her high school career, so I will share my proud moments. It is interesting being the mother of a marching and jazz band student who also happens to be a senior this year. I find myself on the other side of the experience, having been a jazz singer/marching band musician long, long ago. I find myself thinking I'm so appreciated by these kids, but then look back to my years of band and choir tours and can't even remember the parents who were there, let alone think back on any measure of appreciation!

However, I am quite blessed by a daughter who actually DOES tell me she appreciates me, even though I still make her do her chores after a busy performance weekend.

Words cannot express my pride in my daughter and all her many accomplishments. Just look at her!